jueves, 28 de julio de 2011

Three Wise Men

hey, Zoe here! Normally can't be assed writing but i knew ya missed me so yeah, i'm back :)

So, today i'm going to tell you about a friend we made a bit over three weeks ago, a fellow irishman! :D
His name is Oisin (something we finally discovered after long debate, seeing as it's soooo easy to understand drunken chatty irish boys) and to be honest i can't remember where he's from, just that he kept laughing at me, saying i wasn't properly irish -which, i must say, is kinda true... not nice to hear though! :(
So basically we met him one night in the use, Ryan's. We were sitting at a booth, just talking peacefully when this guy comes up to us speaking faster than I've ever heard anyone speak... can't remember a word he said (this is something quite normal, seeing as he talks so much :P).. anyway, a really good chat, really fun to be with, really drunk! He was here on holidays, leaving in a few weeks after that, been here already for a month, maybe? Sorry if i'm foggy on the details haha
So for the next few weeks we met up with him quite a lot, always going to ryan's just for a few beers and all that.
Then, one night, after having met some nice americans at the beach and telling them about ryan's, who finally came with us, we met up with Oisin again. What happened that night is coming in a second, first i'll explain what happened with the americans just one day before.

Pry and I were just chilling at the beach, talking... when this redhead canadian (no offence to anyone with red hair or canadian, but this guy was just unbearable) comes up to us and sits between us, trying to chat us up. As far as Pry's concerned, this guy kept staring at my breasts the whole time we were sitting there next to him. I didn't realize cause i was looking away from him, trying to ignore him while he kept nagging Pry, asking her if I hated him... random. So finally the bloody canadian went back to his friends and left us alone, after requesting a pic with half-naked Pryscila, which, I am glad to say, she declined. It just so happens that between us and the canadians there were these two american guys from LA, who had been listening in to the whole conversation, laughing at the freaks. So they asked us where they could find a good place to eat paella (i think haha), we helped them out and got to talking. They were staying at a hostal very near to my place so we walked back with them, and they asked if we had any plans for the night. we agreed to meet up with them at ryan's but ended up staying at home cause neither of us was feeling up to it. Unfortunately, we neither had their phone numbers nor their facebook, so we felt kinda guilty, like we'd stood them up... So next day, in the afternoon, we randomly walked past their hostal, thinking how funny it would be if we met them there. As we walked past we saw the front door of the hostal was open, so we thought, hey why not? walked upstairs, and who do we see? one of the guys, Justin! We ended up staying for a while up there at the hostal, drinking beer and taking jagger shots... later we hit ryan's where we met up with Oisin, and had lots of beers :) Tbh i'm not quite sure how we managed to stay alive; we really had a lot to drink that night and we hadn't even had dinner.
Okay, so this is where the story fits together. Oisin and the guys met up, we were all sitting at ryan's, having a nice time.. bla bla, the usual. After a while Pry and I decide to go for a cigarette outside. After a while, one of the guys who is always at Ryan's -we call him Cute Guy, cause he's deaf and kinda acts like a kid... he's adorable- comes out and tells us that Oisin is inside, crying (weird, not at all like Oisin usually is... he's sort of more like a very jolly person haha. but yeah, he was very drunk too, that's why he was acting like this). I was still smoking, but Pryscila, worried, went inside to talk to him. Cute Guy wouldn't let me in for a while after I'd finished smoking... he must have been in on it haha
So what happened when Pryscila walked into ryans? Oisin started talking to her, told her he was in love with her and that whenever she was sitting close he couldn't concentrate on anything else and lots of other things which, due to Pryscila's overboard drinking, we can't remember :/
Anyway, what i remember from that night was that after the whole drama with Oisin, we were ready to leave ryan's.. Pry was pretty stressed out haha
So the whole story with Oisin ends well, kept on being friends, meeting up with him again after a slight and much needed break (but we love him, he's the most awesome person ever) until last "?day" (we've been debating what day he left and can't really remember, but we went for some drinks at ryan's again the night before he left to say goodbye)... Only with him for a few weeks but he's become a big part of these lovely summer holidays.
The americans, however, left the day after this whole story. They were doing a tour of lots of different cities in europe, and we saw them again two nights ago, when they came back for just one night in barcelona before going back to the states :) Can't tell you as much about that night because we reaaally really got drunk that night... I have a 1 hour blackout from when we were inside the club. Luckily, it seems that Kevin (the other american) took like 10000 pictures from that night so we're going to ask him to send them to us, really want to remember some of the shit that happened. Seriously one of the funnest nights in a long time :)

And that's basically it for today, at least from me. I enjoyed telling this story, and i hoped you liked reading it. and tbh, don't expect me to write anytime soon cause... i cba :P that's something you'll learn about me, i'm a VERY lazy person. but i love the blog and i love pry, so i'm making an effort!

and now, pictures of oisin! :) (don't have any of kevin and justin, but might add them if kevin ever sends us any!) there is one of him on the night we met him, holding up our three very sexy phones, next to Cute Guy, then one of him and Pry and then there's a nice one of me and him (my bro :P) , on another night we met up with him and a good friend of ours called Agus

1 comentario:

  1. dude, funny memories, btw the day that oisin was crying lol and we were outside smoking a cigarette wasnt the same day that we were with the americans. With the americans was the first time he told me he wanted me and that time with all the drama was the second one lmao. <3 miss him and miss all of those days.
