lunes, 18 de julio de 2011


hey hey goodmorning! Pry here :) Weekend was pretty calm (we are not used to that). Zoe's cousins arrived from Glasgow and she is spendin some time with them, showing them around, isnt it lovely? :) Last crazy thing we did together was going to 'Ryans' last wednesday. Ryans is an irish pub (our favourite) where you can get beers for 1€ and cocktails for 2,50€, yeah that is CHEAP. If you ever want to meet us, we'll be there for sure, basically it is our second house. So last wednesday we went there and met a friend that we didnt see for ages. Got insanely drunk...that guy was drumming a table and somebody that i know, won't say her name, eh zoe?! was gettin to the floor, dancing like it was the last day of her life :) but that's it, that's just how we roll. Dancing around in an irish pub and not giving a shit about what people think. The end of the night was just legendary, we had a towel from ryans 'cause if you ask for 3 carlings they give u a XXL towel for the beach ;) sooo it was kinda late and our friends were shouting outside, in front of people's house, so a guy came and bathe us in water --' yeah lord have mercy.. haha but that was funny tho, since Agustin, our friend, was the only one who got really wet.
Zoe almost killed her cat that night, and me.. i went home with Agustin being soooo drunk and talking to that Irish guy called Oisin ( we will introduce him to you in some days ) :)

Since then, all that we did was pretty calm, not big parties since zoe is kinda tired and i have sorethroat ( it's killin me -.- ).
Soon we will just write about stories we lived before creating the blog, they are pretty interesting :)

There are some pictures from wednesday night:

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