sábado, 30 de julio de 2011

''Do Brasil do Brasil''

whatuppp?! so, yesterday was a good day. A very good day, we did nothing during the day, but as we said, we got a job as promoter, our first day was yesterday. Funnyy as hell hah its so funny working on one of the craziest places in BCN.
Our job is all about sell tourists( or not tourists ) a pub crawl, which is so funny.
We started to work at 20:45 until 00:30, was a good night, made some good money for being our very first night :)
But yeah, we have been working standing up in high heels for 4 hours, then when we finished to work we decided to join the tour aswell and then went to that club called City Hall. Was fun and they played really good music, the thing is that we were DEAD. so we just decided to go outside the club, started to talk with 2 polish guys who works as promoter, not good sellers but really nice people :)
Then we decided to go home around 3:30am, and yeah, on our way home we met 2 guys from Brasil ( do brasil do brasil lol ) who were hanging around, and asked us to go to their hotel terrace and drink some beers, thereeee we go, to that hotel terrace lol was cool, chilln for a while after working, having some beers at that terrace, cool guys. Ofc there must be a weird one in every group of friends and even more if they are brazilian lol but yeah, the night was pretty fine, we made money, met nice people & had fun. That's what really matters in the end of the story.
No pictures from that night.

Now it looks like the world is gonna end ( are you from amazonia,zoe? lol ), its gonna storm in here, so we are not sure about goign to work or not. Lets see.

Song that im listening now, while chilln in that cloudy day-

viernes, 29 de julio de 2011

Hobo's haircut.

If any of you guys are interested, just go to barceloneta's beach. That's the last random thing we saw them doing overthere.
Gettin a haircut on the beach, feeling all fancy lol
Was a great day on the beach tho, loads of people around and of course, swedish people all around, whats hapenning to bcn this summer? Fuuuull of swedish & aussies, right zoe? lol
Feeling so lazy today and gotta go to work, yeah me and zoe now are promoters lol this is gonna be FUNNY. ( more details comin soon )

lovely, isnt it?

jueves, 28 de julio de 2011

Three Wise Men

hey, Zoe here! Normally can't be assed writing but i knew ya missed me so yeah, i'm back :)

So, today i'm going to tell you about a friend we made a bit over three weeks ago, a fellow irishman! :D
His name is Oisin (something we finally discovered after long debate, seeing as it's soooo easy to understand drunken chatty irish boys) and to be honest i can't remember where he's from, just that he kept laughing at me, saying i wasn't properly irish -which, i must say, is kinda true... not nice to hear though! :(
So basically we met him one night in the use, Ryan's. We were sitting at a booth, just talking peacefully when this guy comes up to us speaking faster than I've ever heard anyone speak... can't remember a word he said (this is something quite normal, seeing as he talks so much :P).. anyway, a really good chat, really fun to be with, really drunk! He was here on holidays, leaving in a few weeks after that, been here already for a month, maybe? Sorry if i'm foggy on the details haha
So for the next few weeks we met up with him quite a lot, always going to ryan's just for a few beers and all that.
Then, one night, after having met some nice americans at the beach and telling them about ryan's, who finally came with us, we met up with Oisin again. What happened that night is coming in a second, first i'll explain what happened with the americans just one day before.

Pry and I were just chilling at the beach, talking... when this redhead canadian (no offence to anyone with red hair or canadian, but this guy was just unbearable) comes up to us and sits between us, trying to chat us up. As far as Pry's concerned, this guy kept staring at my breasts the whole time we were sitting there next to him. I didn't realize cause i was looking away from him, trying to ignore him while he kept nagging Pry, asking her if I hated him... random. So finally the bloody canadian went back to his friends and left us alone, after requesting a pic with half-naked Pryscila, which, I am glad to say, she declined. It just so happens that between us and the canadians there were these two american guys from LA, who had been listening in to the whole conversation, laughing at the freaks. So they asked us where they could find a good place to eat paella (i think haha), we helped them out and got to talking. They were staying at a hostal very near to my place so we walked back with them, and they asked if we had any plans for the night. we agreed to meet up with them at ryan's but ended up staying at home cause neither of us was feeling up to it. Unfortunately, we neither had their phone numbers nor their facebook, so we felt kinda guilty, like we'd stood them up... So next day, in the afternoon, we randomly walked past their hostal, thinking how funny it would be if we met them there. As we walked past we saw the front door of the hostal was open, so we thought, hey why not? walked upstairs, and who do we see? one of the guys, Justin! We ended up staying for a while up there at the hostal, drinking beer and taking jagger shots... later we hit ryan's where we met up with Oisin, and had lots of beers :) Tbh i'm not quite sure how we managed to stay alive; we really had a lot to drink that night and we hadn't even had dinner.
Okay, so this is where the story fits together. Oisin and the guys met up, we were all sitting at ryan's, having a nice time.. bla bla, the usual. After a while Pry and I decide to go for a cigarette outside. After a while, one of the guys who is always at Ryan's -we call him Cute Guy, cause he's deaf and kinda acts like a kid... he's adorable- comes out and tells us that Oisin is inside, crying (weird, not at all like Oisin usually is... he's sort of more like a very jolly person haha. but yeah, he was very drunk too, that's why he was acting like this). I was still smoking, but Pryscila, worried, went inside to talk to him. Cute Guy wouldn't let me in for a while after I'd finished smoking... he must have been in on it haha
So what happened when Pryscila walked into ryans? Oisin started talking to her, told her he was in love with her and that whenever she was sitting close he couldn't concentrate on anything else and lots of other things which, due to Pryscila's overboard drinking, we can't remember :/
Anyway, what i remember from that night was that after the whole drama with Oisin, we were ready to leave ryan's.. Pry was pretty stressed out haha
So the whole story with Oisin ends well, kept on being friends, meeting up with him again after a slight and much needed break (but we love him, he's the most awesome person ever) until last "?day" (we've been debating what day he left and can't really remember, but we went for some drinks at ryan's again the night before he left to say goodbye)... Only with him for a few weeks but he's become a big part of these lovely summer holidays.
The americans, however, left the day after this whole story. They were doing a tour of lots of different cities in europe, and we saw them again two nights ago, when they came back for just one night in barcelona before going back to the states :) Can't tell you as much about that night because we reaaally really got drunk that night... I have a 1 hour blackout from when we were inside the club. Luckily, it seems that Kevin (the other american) took like 10000 pictures from that night so we're going to ask him to send them to us, really want to remember some of the shit that happened. Seriously one of the funnest nights in a long time :)

And that's basically it for today, at least from me. I enjoyed telling this story, and i hoped you liked reading it. and tbh, don't expect me to write anytime soon cause... i cba :P that's something you'll learn about me, i'm a VERY lazy person. but i love the blog and i love pry, so i'm making an effort!

and now, pictures of oisin! :) (don't have any of kevin and justin, but might add them if kevin ever sends us any!) there is one of him on the night we met him, holding up our three very sexy phones, next to Cute Guy, then one of him and Pry and then there's a nice one of me and him (my bro :P) , on another night we met up with him and a good friend of ours called Agus

miércoles, 27 de julio de 2011

Norwegian wood ♥

Friday 17th June.

We spent the day on the beach with Cristina. Decided to go out that night, as usually, ryans for predrinks and then that night we went to a club called BLVD. (Shitty one)
Got in ryans and asked for some drinks. There was a group of guys sat on the table next to us. One of them came to talk to us, so cute. Then while my friends ( zoe & cris ) went to ask for more drinks the other guys came to sit with us. Started to talk and talk, sooo nice guys, ofc, they are from norway ( love that country <3 ). We told them we had to hurry to catch the free entrance in the club and asked them to join us. There we go to party with norwegian guys lol that was a nice night, we got pretty wasted, zoe got robed cause she was too focused kissing andreas, and cristina.. cristina was really mad at me cause i was spending a cute time with Thomas and left her alone lmao. She kept coming and saying FUCK U.
So when we realised that zoe didnt have her wallet, we decided to go home, said goodbye to the guys and so on.
At that moment, one of the guys, Espen, dissapeared.. god knows where the hell he went to lol so i was with Thomas(Tommy) and Zoe was with Andreas(Os). Told them that we were going to the beach the following day and if they were there we could text each other.

Saturday 18th June.

Went to the beach early in the mornign with Zoe, texted the guys and they came.
Spent the whole day there, sunbathing, laughing about Andreas putting on a lot of oil ( he was obsessed to get a nice tan lol ) and talking and talking.
Was a looovely day, got super sunburnt tho.. cause i was putting cream at somebodys back and forgot about mine, ehem.

We didn't go out that night, but we knew that they were leaving on monday, & we really wanted to see them again, they are such great guys.

Sunday 19th June.

ok, i gotta say before starting that day, that it was prolly one of the craziest night of my life.
So, on sunday the guys went to ride bikes like mmh far away haha we were supposed to meet them to say goodbye :/, met them late in the afternoon, had a couple of beers and then said goodbye, felt sooo bad saying goodbye, don't like that feeling to know that you might never see them again when they are such lovely guys. So yeah i had that feeling that i already missed them. Went back home and had a dinner that night with my mum and her best friend ( which means a dinner with at least 20 gays, so funny lol ) when i was at the dinner, called zoe and told her that we were going out that night. To a club that is called: Mac arena mar beach club*. Yeah, it was supposed to be A BIG PARTY, or serious party as mike said. Met zoe at 1am and went to that club. We had no idea how far it was, so we thought that we could get there by bike. btw, she told her mum that she was coming to sleep over my place and i told mine that i was going to sleep at her place ( fucked up, never do that ) so the plan was to sleep on the beach, the party was supposed to finish at 6am so yeah. was fine.
The bikes didnt work that night,sunday night yeah, so we thought about takin a bus until the clubs in front of the beach and then decide what to do.. what a bad idea.
Got into that bus, with swedish girls.. non offense.. but they were bitcheeees. Goddman, the fuckin bus was so full of people we couldnt even breath and those girls were shouting and singing in swedish, my lord.. was horrible. Zoe started to shout at them tellin them to shut the fuck up and get the shit out the fuckin bus LOL that was hilarious zoe.. at least the bus driver kicked them out.. sooo the promoter who was with that group of people, apparently was a club crawl lol he thought we were with him and gave us the stamp, free entrance to the club and 1 hour open bar. PAM.
We did not go there ahha we wanted fuckin Mac arena.. so i called mike who was there and he told me to hurry cause the party would end in 1 hour.. i was freaking out but still took a taxi and went to the other side of the city, it was soooooo far away, its a club on the beach, u just dance on the sand and so on. Got there everybody was sooooooo wasted. Mike aswell.. we thought that we could sleep over his place if the party ended that soon. No.. hah we couldnt since we saw him so drunk. Phillip was pretty drunk and Love trying to sell us tequila's shot. great. We decided to get the shit out there, it was a shitty party, everybody so wasted and high.. dangerous atmosphere.
We had that stamp for the club, so we just decided to take a taxii and go back to that club. When we arrived we didnt want to get inside, didnt feel like dancing and shit. We stared at each other thinkin: we are fucked up, where the hell are we gonna sleep? it was 3am then lol so we decided to text the Norwegian guys <3 they were sleeping cause they were leaving at 9am. asked them to sleep over their place and told them what was going on. They had an apartment pretty near the beach and near that club we were in. so we went there and Tommy came to pick us up. Got in the apartment and there were Andreas and Espen sharing a bed and Tom sleeping on the floor. almost didnt have space to lay down hahah we put our towels on the floor and slept. or tried to lol we were about to fall asleep and tom started to text us tellin us not to sleep on the floor that they could share the bed and we could sleep on his matrass. we kept saying no, then he had the brilliant idea of giving us a beer, we started to drink and talk and then i went to drink on the balcony with Tom and zoe was inside with andreas, came back and they were sleeping on the floor, sooo me and tom had to share the bed with espenlol that was ''kleint''. It was so fuckin hot inside that apartment, so tom & I went to the beach, yeah at 5am. There were some WEIRD people.. scared me lol we watched the sunrise, listened to music and so on, super cute. 25 hours non sleep. got back to apartment woke everybody up, helped to clean and then it was the time to say goodbye :( we were sooo tired. Said goodbye, zoe and me went for breakfast and then to my place to finally sleep.
Got in my place and realised that i didnt have the keys loooool that was not that funny backthen, 26 hours non sleep. No keys.. great. Had to ring my neighboor's door ( he's dumb) and asked him if i could jump from his place to mine. Jumped and had to break my mum's shutter to open the door lmao. Was a veeery crazy night.. for real. Got inside and slept the whole day long.

Now those guys are just part of our lovely life. They are simply amazing.

which I recognize is from Oslo.

whatup?! duuude last night was insane.. We went to party with 2 american dudes we met a month ago, they were travelling around Europe, and came to BCN to spend their last night. Sooo the thing is that we went to their hostel for predrinks, where the insanity started when we were going upstairs cause we had to run and i was falling down all the time. Got there and started with vodka shots ( yeah we get pretty wasted everytime we go out, buuuut with beer) soo, started with Vodka. But we had to hurry cause a friend of mine who is a promoter, Mike<3 lol , told me that if i was back in 15minutes we could get the stamp for a pub crawl for free, as always. We went to that pubcrawl, so crazy lol got into that club called Roxy. Was soooo crowded, and i kept drinkin mojitos inside cause it was for free. All of a sudden, i decided to go to the bathroom and realised that i got a text saying that my mum was at the hospital.. that was fucked up since i was the way too drunk that i couldnt even take a taxi, but yeah i took a deep breath and went home. Spent the night with her and so on, was sooo worried. Then i just decided to turn on the computer. at 4am lol started to talk with a lovely norwegian guy we met last friday ( yeah i gotta write down the whole story ) and told him what was going on etc. & actually had a long conversation and a very nice one. But yeah i said a lot of nonsense lol. like mh 'which i recognize is from Oslo'' talking about my mum lol. Zoe, we GOTTA do that again, but without my mum gettin into hospital. Pictures from that night are coming soon.

lunes, 25 de julio de 2011

R.I.P Norway.

As all of you know, sth horrible happened in Norway last friday.
Just writing a post to let you know that our thoughts are with all the victims.
Our sincerest condolences to the families, friends, relatives, etc.

Pry & Zoe
Lots of love.

domingo, 24 de julio de 2011

Wang guy

Okay, so now my cousins are finally gone -don't get me wrong, i love them very much, but i'm soooo tired... just need to get back to my old life. Took them to the bus station this morning, so we had to get up at 8 am... Man, really great idea going out last night and not getting home til 4.30! Good one, Hazel

So yeah, just after this post here i think i'm going to do a LOOOOT of sleeping so i can party tonight! (we got free passes to a club called sotavento for tonight, pretty cool)... But i think rather than telling what happened last night -all i will say is i haven't been this embarassed for a long time, so we'll see if i ever tell it ;) - i'm going to talk about something that happened just a few days ago, when i was with my cousins.
It was like midday or something and we were just chilling at home, thinking about going to the beach later on in the day, and talking to people on facebook. Hazel was using the computer, talking to Pry for me, and she was just using the computer when someone added me on msn. Not knowing exactly what she was doing, she accepted this random person... just a guy. So about two minutes later the guy starts talking to me on chat, and he's like: hey, i'm mark! and i'm like, "okay cool, good for you, but who the fuck are you? how did you find me?"... so we start talking to the guy, he says he found me via facebook, bla bla... just random chatting. until, all of a sudden, hazel views the window and we notice the guy has changed his dp to one of his dick... and him rubbing it. charming. needless to say, i blocked him, reported him... and it's a shame i couldn't do any more. probably traumatized the poor girl even more than me! she's only 12

And now that you know the story i thiiiiink i'm gonna go to bed :)

jueves, 21 de julio de 2011

Play that funky music white boy !

Heey, what’s up?! Soooo, sorethroat is finally over and today I decided to go to the beach with Zoe and her cousins. What a good decision. It was so funny overthere.

Got there and it was around 1:30pm with my lovely & cold damm lemon  Have been sunbathing for a while and then enjoying the sea. That sounds pretty normal, but yeah something had to happen, everything was the way too normal for us.

After all that funny moments we spent talking to those 123456543 promoters who still try to sell us parties that we already know or we are not interested in & those Italian guys who used the promoters to get us to the same party that they were going to.. we were chillin on the sand, sunbathing and I was really considering the idea of going to buy sth to drink, I was super thirsty, but also so lazy. Soooo, the barman from a chiringuito ( bar on the beach ) came to me and gave me a Sex on the beach ( favourite cocktail btw ) and I told him that I didn’t ask for anything so it wasn’t mine.. here comes the funny part. Looks like a guy from the bar paid that cocktail for me with a lil heart above the drink. ( That’s how desperate people actually are, I gotta admit that it was cute tho). I shared the cocktail with zoe because im adorable lol jk. So we were enjoying that cold sex on the beach, and appreciating the drunk guys around the beach ( they are actually hobos, living on the beach, so they do nothing else than drink and entertain people on the beach) while appreciating them fighting each other, throwing water at each other, and so on, one of them started to sing. That was funny, we were all laughing and stuff, but when he thought that he was James Brown singing: ‘Play that funky muuuusiic white boy’ was the way too much, he also tried to be Elvis Presley for a second. Hilarious.

So if you guys live in bcn, or ever come to visit that wonderful city & want to have an entertaining afternoon, barceloneta is the beach to be.
Our spot is right next to the hobos ( yeah, our and 123453 people’ spot.)

our spot on the beach, catch us there ;)

lunes, 18 de julio de 2011

Daaaad, you're not looking!

So, as Pryscila and I have both mentioned in recent posts, my cousins are staying with me for a bit over a week, and I'm taking them to nice places so they can have a great time :)
Today was Costa Caribe, a water park created by Universal Studios which is just outside Salou. It was a real trip back into childhood. I hadn't been there for years but we decided to go, basically just to entertain the youngest. First we had a shitload of drama to get there; kept getting on the wrong trains... so instead of getting there in an hour and a half, it took a bit over three hours... which was just great considering we'd got up at 8am... But overall experience: fun, sunburnt, sore from a little 10 year old brat trying to flirt with Hazel by being unbelievable annoying -and managing to elbow me just above the eye, amongst others- and, let's not forget, dead from all the energy used today! But hey, tomorrow planning on going to see my baby, who is sick with a fever... :(


hey hey goodmorning! Pry here :) Weekend was pretty calm (we are not used to that). Zoe's cousins arrived from Glasgow and she is spendin some time with them, showing them around, isnt it lovely? :) Last crazy thing we did together was going to 'Ryans' last wednesday. Ryans is an irish pub (our favourite) where you can get beers for 1€ and cocktails for 2,50€, yeah that is CHEAP. If you ever want to meet us, we'll be there for sure, basically it is our second house. So last wednesday we went there and met a friend that we didnt see for ages. Got insanely drunk...that guy was drumming a table and somebody that i know, won't say her name, eh zoe?! was gettin to the floor, dancing like it was the last day of her life :) but that's it, that's just how we roll. Dancing around in an irish pub and not giving a shit about what people think. The end of the night was just legendary, we had a towel from ryans 'cause if you ask for 3 carlings they give u a XXL towel for the beach ;) sooo it was kinda late and our friends were shouting outside, in front of people's house, so a guy came and bathe us in water --' yeah lord have mercy.. haha but that was funny tho, since Agustin, our friend, was the only one who got really wet.
Zoe almost killed her cat that night, and me.. i went home with Agustin being soooo drunk and talking to that Irish guy called Oisin ( we will introduce him to you in some days ) :)

Since then, all that we did was pretty calm, not big parties since zoe is kinda tired and i have sorethroat ( it's killin me -.- ).
Soon we will just write about stories we lived before creating the blog, they are pretty interesting :)

There are some pictures from wednesday night:

sábado, 16 de julio de 2011


Heeey! zoe here with my two gorgeous cousins who just got here from Glasgow, Scotland... and the weather is pretty shit, imagine that... So. Yesterday some pretty crazy things happened which i am not at complete liberty to tell, sorry bout that. But not just to me, also to my girl pry.
Anyway, thinking about enjoying this perfectly lovely cloudy day outside with the girls, go for a walk and an ice-cream... cute :)
And plans for tomorrow... maybe cinema? looking forward to it, this is gonna be a nice week with them <3

jueves, 14 de julio de 2011


hey to all! this is our very first entry, our very first blog. First of all, let me introduce us: we are zoe and pry (pryscila), two girls living in Barcelona; from Ireland and Brazil. The inspiration to create this blog came from one of our many adventures this summer... Made us think that the life we live is something quite memorable and, as our memories suck, we've decided to write it all down so we can remember it all in a few years time... pretty cool, huh? ;)
So... where to start? I guess it all started being really crazy a few months ago, when we first became good friends... when a teacher we mutually hated mistook pryscila for zoe after an incident in one of the classes we both go to... but hey, it's a long story, i'm not gonna bore you with it. All that matters is our lives have been pretty insane since meeting each other... massive bromance going on over here.

just to leave you with an idea of who we are -if you don't already know us- this is us, being ourselves on a pretty normal day! (zoe holding the beer, next to pry)