sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2011


in July 2011 Pry and I were living a crazy life. Sunbathing day and night at the beach (okay, maybe just during the day, but you get what I mean), meeting people every day, spending nights at Ryan's drinking, doing crazy stuff and having the time of our lives. It just so happens that for a week two of my cousins came over to Barcelona for a bit of this spanish magic.
But I'll continue my story later, first I want to explain why neither of us gals has posted in soooo long... I swear, we haven't forgotten bout you guys, how could we :) <3
Thing is, for the past few weeks the other one and I have had a shitload of work, and exams that were trying to put and end to our lives. And oh yeah, then there was this huge project (thesis-like) and seeing as I had only started in september even though we had a year to do it, by the end of October I was shitting myself, had to do basically... all of it? So we've been busy with all this work up until a week and a half ago. Yesterday and the day before we had our presentations of these wonderful joyous projects buuuut yeah, at least we got a whole week off just to work on powerpoints and shit. To be honest I did mine in about 10 minutes. The teacher was not impressed. Ah well, what's done is done!
So what the hell have we been doing in the last week, apart from neglecting you lovelies? jk jk hehe :)
Well, my baby has been sick for the last two weeks. Yes, yes, she is incredibly lucky. First she fucked up her ligaments so bye bye skating, then she couldn't talk for a week and now she has all four of her wisdom teeth coming out at once, two of them lopsided, which means she hasn't had anything to eat in decades. Poor baby! :( Also, cause of that haven't seen so much of her lately..
As for me, I've been chillin like only I know ;) been skating as much as possible (it's totally addictive man!!)
Finally, yesterday I got to see her again, we went out for a coffee in the afternoon, went insane for a bit (damn, I missed heeeer!) and then decided to do a tour of the three Ryan's pubs there are in Barcelona, all quite close to each other. Was pretty funny! Then we went insane again, taking touristy pics with Pry's new camera and finally went to our favourite place in the world.
I had a beer in Ryan's and we watched a bit of the Ireland-Estonia football match, then headed home.

Ok, so back to July.
My cousins came over for a week and I was forced to take them everywhere in and out of the city (which I wouldn't really mind if it was the first time they'd been here, but they come almost every summer). So I took them to the beach, then to a water park called Costa Caribe (we got lost trying to get there, yay), then to the beach again on a different day, shopping, etc etc... Just the sort of stuff girls do in the summer :) Eventually, the time came when they started nagging me about going out, which, with them, I must say I was reluctant to do. But we got some tickets for a club for just 3€ which isn't that bad, and we decided to go. When the time came to go, Fiona, my older cousin, who is 20, decided that we shouldn't go because, oh yeah, the other one, Hazel, is only 13 (she looks older, so she might not have had trouble getting in, but we were worried about her going to a club for older people). So in the end I just decided to go out with Pry to Ryan's. Hazel and Fiona decided not to come.
So in Ryan's we met some cute norwegian guys from Oslo (this was at the exact same time as the bombings, so they were both really worried... but we had a nice time anyway). The next day my cousins and I decided to go to the beach. Pry had gone to the beach with her mother but she joined us after a while. We were both pretty tired from the day before, having gotten home incredibly late and all that, so we just chilled on the sand and sunbathed. lovely :)
After a while the norwegians, Henrik and Fredrik, called and asked to meet up, so we told them we were at the beach and they decided to come along. But it took ages to find them, seeing as they were at the opposite end of it. I don't know if you've ever been to "la Barceloneta" but it's not exactly small, even when you do realise you're NOT at the same side of it... Eventually we met up but it was all a bit awkward, considering we'd all been pretty drunk the night before and it all changes when you're sober, you know. And then there was the fact that my cousins were there watching and judging so yeah... a loot of staring and saying random stuff lol
After the beach we decided to go for an icecream and the Oslo boys took a taxi and went home, asking if they could meet up again that night.
We decided to go to Ryan's with them but my cousins tagged along. And yeah, my 13 yr old cousin had a cosmo. Can you believe it? what the fuck.
After a while they went home, wanting to pack and shit, seeing as they were leaving next afternoon. Pry and I stayed a while longer in Ryan's with the boys just talking... and yeah, after a while we start making out and BOOM, my mother appears out of nowhere. I don't think I'll ever get over it. SERIOUSLY. WORST. THING. EVER. Never ever ever EVER tell your mother where you are. And hope to god she doesn't choose to embarass you further by trying to be cool or whatever and saying: "Sorry for crampin' your style."
I'm sure my face was epic at that time but still.... It's gonna be a shady memory for the rest of my life. Uncool.
That little episode later came to be known as the "How I Met Your Mother". It was awkward as fuuuuuck.
Anyway, that's it for today, guys. Hope you learnt a lesson there: parents will always seek to embarass you, don't trust them! :P
Peace out, Zoe loves ya. x

Btw, I'm gonna link you a new blog by ma sis here and our twitters, if you wanna follow us
Zoe: sir_zoe
Pry: misspryy