miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

Jerk & Meth

Hey guys, Zoe here. So i'm just back home from a seriously awesome afternoon: went skateboarding for the very first time ever!
Pry and i had been talking about doing it for a while now, so we finally set a date to go and get our skateboards at a sports shop that had a sale on, so we thought it was a good time to buy them (their names are Jerk, after the board's name in the shop "PLAY7 MYSELF", which just leaves too much to the imagination, and Meth, after its colour, which is similar to blue crystals). So originally we were gonna go on friday afternoon and then spend a while practising and then go home (not gonna go out every single night each weekend cause we have this shitty project, kinda like a thesis but in a smaller scale). But today Pry was sick and when i got home from school she was online and really bored (I could tell because she was being absolutely hyper on the cam) and i didn't have too much to do so i thought it would be cool to it now. Told her, she liked the idea, then Cris decided to tag along with us, so we all went out, bought the boards (see pic*) even though they didn't have the one i wanted: one with a drawing of spidey on it... would have been awesome to roll on that! :P
After that we were outside for 15 minutes going up and down a street with a fence, holding on to it because we're so bad at it... but i managed to learn how to turn, even if it happened by my almost crashing into a pole. A while later we walked around the shops cause Pry wanted to get a bag and some shoes to skate in, but we had no luck with the bag, so we just decided to leave it for another day and go to practice skateboarding. We ended up in a square next to my place where we really made some serious improvement... buuuut as all good things don't last, i managed to almost kill myself. Not entirely sure how it happened but i lost balance, tried to take one of my feet off the board to regain my balance on the floor but it stuck to the board, so i tried with my other foot and the same thing happened. Result: two knees and one hand scraped.
But it's been really cool, i absolutely love it so far and i can't wait to go out again on friday with pry.
Oh yeah, and we will of course be uploading pics and videos on our improvement!
Take care, be safe guys :)
Love ya

PS, honouring the cause, i feel the need to post this video in addition:

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

T.G.I.F - was insanely cool.

Well well well, summer was supposed to be over and also our crazy nights cause we were back to school, but hey! Friday's night still exist :) and so it was our official crazy night of the week last weekend.
Went to school during the day and were all hyperactive, excited about the night. Since we knew we would have such a great night after all the time we spend just going out for beers and not havin a REAL NIGHT like we used to have.
So, we decided to go to a club that's called ''La terrrazza'' one of the best clubs i've ever been, music was incredibly good, minimal all around. People were so cool, but yeah i'm gonna talk about it in while.
We started the night in our lovely irish pub, Ryans. Where else? (before that i gotta say that on my way to meet zoe, i saw Aloe Blacc in live- this weekend was a special party in bcn where we had concerts for free on the big squares so yeah i saw him :) ) hah Got there and saw Mike, this english/irish promoter guy we worked for him during summer. Anyway we got there and started to drink, was Jagger bomb's night, 3 Jaggers for 5€, feels like paradise.
So we had free drinks cause the guy saw we were friends with mike, and yeah its always like this haha. Got pretty drunk around there and saw a lot of people we used to work with and met new ones. I introduced zoe couple of guys i met when she was in ireland so yeah, after all that we decided to go to la terrrazza, but we were too focused on a conversation with some guys that we didnt realize that mike left and that was fucked up hah but yeah we ended up takin a taxi with those guys and went to the club.
When we got there we saw mike in front of the club so he put our names on the list and theeeeeere we go, to one of the best clubs ever.
Surrounded by a castle, open air, good music ( minimal was incredibly good ), nice people etc.
We got there around 1:30 and i kept dancing from this time to 5am, non- stop not even to go to the bathroom. soo soo zoe was somewhere in this club lol trying not to fall down cause she was pretty wasted hah but all fine, we all were kinda drunk.
We enjoyed it a lot and then got outside the club which is located up in a hill like inside a small village, so when u get out of the club u feel like out of the big city :) its cute.
We were there talking to Bertie and Lucano for a while, a long one hah cause when we got back to the club it was already 6:30am. Thing is we saw mike again and we went to dance with them all, but i lost zoe. pam pam pam nothing new, happens all the time hahaha after a while me and mike decided to go to look for her, they were already closing the club so yeah was time to go, when we went down hill we saw zoe at the entrance with one of the guys we shared the taxi with. Lil detail: she broke her heels LOL yeah, and it was BIG and pure WOOD. noidea how the hell she managed to do it lol
Anyway, we took a taxi back home with Mike and Max. I was supposed to sleep at zoe's but ended up sleeping at mike's.
Thing is that at his place nobody never sleeps lol insanity all around, it was 9 am and one of his flatmates were awake and some of the others were gettin home, and the barman from ryans were sleeping on the couch. yeah normal situation hah We went to bed cause we were so fuckin tired, slept 2 hours and woke up again, feeling shitttyyyy.
I spent the entire day feeling so so so shitty, biggest hangover ever. But one of the BEST nights of the ''summer'' i know i know it's already autumn but hey, in bcn it still is as sunny as in summer and 27º everyday. Gotta love this weather.

Here you got some pictures and videos from the night :)

1st picture: not drunk at all. hah please ignore our faces.
2nd picture: zoe's heels. new style biatsh.

First video: good music from Dj Cardi ( Espai Music & Zombie Dealers ) the second video u can apreciate hottie Mike all around, for the ones who knows him hah

That's all guys, wait for the next weekend and we will die. Going to the closing party of la terrraza (they only open the club in summer so its over now ) and then going to an afterparty called Row14, this club is easily becoming one of the 100 best clubs in the world. Have a look on the webpage and freakout: http://www.row14.es/webapp/

Lots of love xx

domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011

Pictures of you, pictures of me hung up on your wall for the world to see.

some of the pics from the summer.

That's all folks!

Well well well, all the good things come to an end. And yeh, summer ’11 is over, not really but we are going back to hell tomorrow ( school ) lol that’s how much we enjoy going there.

We are sooooooo glad to have shared everything we lived during the summer. We are so sure that we will never ever forget the things that happened during this summer.

All those days sunbathing on the lovely beach, all the crazies nights that turned into day and we were still partying, all the niiceee people we met, all the drunkness, all the nights promoting, the ryans time… all the laughs, all the nostalgic days missing people, everything. I would never finish listing it all.

We still have plenty of things to write down, and we will for sure, to make sure that we wont forget about it J

And yeh, even though summer is over, our insanity still is around, so it wont takes too long until we come here again and update the blog with one of our lovely nights or crazy stuff during the day!

love xx